Daily Archives: October 18, 2009

Ellie the Dobermann got me a Sunday off

Ellie the Dobermann

No railways or Chasewater this time, just about Ellie!

Out for our usual walk this morning before going to Chasewater and nearing the end – ‘squirrel alert!’ – Off goes Ellie through the trees, flat out as ever, but this time the branch that she clattered into was as hard as her leg.2009_10180037At first, it was difficult to believe that she hadn’t broken something, she wouldn’t put any weight on it at all.  We got her home in a friend’s car and then it was off to the vet’s.  After much pulling and twisting (if it had been broken, I’m sure it would have fallen off!) he didn’t think that anything was broken but decided on an x-ray, just in case.  She hadn’t given as much as a whimper to tell where it hurt, and he could find no break on the x-ray so fingers crossed, a few quiet days and she should get back to normal.

We have to take her back in a couple of days for a check-up, at the moment she is heavily sedated and it is much too quiet in the house!

If anyone wants to know what she looks like on 4 legs, she is on a few of the photos on my posts ‘Brownhills Walk’ 1 & 2.  I think there are some more on flickr.

I shall put an update on this blog in a couple of days.